EU states agree to expand EV-charging station network

It’s clear that the EV ‘supply chain’ of charging stations has to expand to make EVs a success. So far, it takes longer to charge than to fill up with a liquid fuel, and the charging stations are not common enough. Couple that with a lack of standards for charging ‘nozzles’, and we see help is needed.

The European Union (EU) took a big step forward by passing a law that would greatly increase the number of EV charging stations. Every country in the EU now has to provide charging stations every 60km along roadways. Hydrogen stations also have to be provided every 200km. The number of stations is tied to the number of EVs sold in the countries.

By 2025, that would make about 600,000 charging stations in the EU, according to an estimate. There are 450,000 stations now. It’s not so many.

The new law is an example of how the EU leads the world in emissions control rules and intentions. Other nations need to step up.

By Jonathan Packroff | | translated by Daniel Eck

EU states agree to expand bloc’s EV-charging station network

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