Tag Archives: gig economy

Gig driver for a day. Here’s what we learned making deliveries for Veho

Here we see a day in the life of a package delivery driver for Veho, which seems to be an enlightened last-mile delivery company that is actively trying to make work friendlier to the driver. The system they have developed tries to take into account driver needs as well as those of the customer and the shipper.

One of the major factors involved in keeping a workforce today is giving workers input and making the workplace friendly for them.

Veho seems to be using that principle to drive their business. Let’s hope it is successful for them.

One downside of this approach is the need for a depot where the packages are brought before the routing is done. That’s a capital expense that not all services will want to implement. It also slows up expansion into new markets, since the warehouse sites must be found and built out. However, the depot is key to the optimization for all the involved parties, including the driver.

Brian Straight Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Gig driver for a day. Here’s what we learned making deliveries for Veho | Modern Shipper