US shipper launches $270k D&D claim against carrier and terminal operator

Demurrage and Detention (D&D) charges are commonplace in ocean container shipping. Standard contracts specify a number of days the container may stay in the yer without charge. When the port doesn’t transfer a container within the time limit, the shipper is liable.

The FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) is right now looking into whether ocean carriers and ports are unfairly adding D&D charges to shippers’ bills. Many shippers have been complaining for months that this is happening. But this is the first time one of them has sued the carrier and port, making the dispute public. We’ll now find out, through the court case, the exact sequence of events and the times involved.

The costs for D&D that aren’t in the contract are a complete surprise to the shipper, and come right out of thier profits. Read the story to see what the claims are.

By Nick Savvides 15/09/2021

US shipper launches $270k D&D claim against carrier and terminal operator – The Loadstar

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